This script is for the Spring'13 classes at Community Colege of Philadelphia. Class scripts are in existance since Summer II 2009. To see previous scripts, and a link to prior excel tests, click here.

Note: If you have problems loading this using open, try this again using save. Then click open folder after download complete and then right click the file, choose option open with and then use Microsoft word

If studying for the excel test, you can see previous tests by clicking here.

Preliminary Finals schedule:

Saturday Apr 27, 9-11AM Rm 114, NWRC

Monday Apr 29, 9-11AM W4-27 Main

Wednesday May 1, 12:30 to 2:30 C320 Main

Thursday May 2 11-1PM 143 WERC

There will be a special review session in C3-18 Wed 10 to 12. We will be doing a previous test as chosen by Raheem Epps

CIS 103 Marc Rauer Review Session

Event Type: 		Class Meeting
Event State: 		Tentative
Organization: 		CIS
Requested By: 		Rauer, Marc
E-mail (or
Academic Event
Reservation(s) 		Date Pattern
Rsrv_409949 		From 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Wed Apr 24 2013.
Expected Head Count: 	36
Space Assignment(s):    CBI C3-18

Created by Bonita Terrell and copied from her powerpoint presentation. Photo by Paul Hamblin

About the books for CIS103 this term, Spring 2013. The book should be avaiable at the school store.

The code necessary for using the MYITLAB software to hook into your instructor is CRSABR8-851389

To send your instructor an Email, use this form. This is formmail and textboxes will open up as you supply information

Your Name:

Your Email Address:Note:you must enter an Email address

Note to my Spring'13 classes

Attention: my Email seems to be back to normal

There are two parts to your Word grade. Below, we keep trtack of the scenario portion. By Jnumber, I am listing out the max scenario grades per student that has been recorded on myitlab as of noon on Friday. You will have until Noon on May 4th to do the scenarios on MYITLAB and have them count for 24% of your grade as indicated in the syllabus.

ID		scen	MC	Info    PP	Access Grade
J00014424	98.2	100	5	Y	86
J00026234	0	 	6	N	0 - not submitted
J00027723	0	90	3	N	0 - not submitted
J00027794	0	100	4	Y	0 - not submitted
J00036310	18.2	90	0	Y	0 - not submitted
J00040101	70.9	90	5	Y	41
J00042024	23.6	100	6	N	95.5
J00049831	96.4	100	4	Y	77
J00050280	0	80	0	Y	0 - not submitted
J00053678	0	100	5	Y	0 - not submitted
J00056445	45.5	100	5	Y	45.5
J00057138			0	N	0 - not submitted
J00061663	63.6	100	4	Y	68
J00063018	20	100	6	Y	
J00065204	78.2	100	0	Y	0 - not submitted
J00065286	10.9	90	4	Y	0 - not submitted
J00071590	96.4	90	4	Y	100
J00073006			5	Y	32
J00073547	0	100	0	Y	86.5
J00089235	83.6	100	5	Y	95
J00093074	0	70		Y	0 - not submitted
J00095293	0	 	2	N	0 - not submitted
J00096816	10.9	100	4	Y	68
J00098615	14.5	60	7	Y	68
J00099555			3	N	0 - not submitted
J00100450	52.7	100	6	Y	0 - not submitted
J00102547			4	N	0 - not submitted
J00103596	87.3	100	0	Y	0 - not submitted
J00104701	78.2	90	2	N	73
J00104991	83.6	90	3	Y	68
J00106998	0	 	0	N	0 - not submitted
J00110290	92.7	90	6	Y	95
J00111562	0	50	3	Y	7.5
J00112732	0	90	6	Y	0 - not submitted
J00112855	0	90	4	N	0 - not submitted
J00113044	38.2	80	4	Y	86
J00113443	1.8	90	5	Y	0 - not submitted
J00115066	94.5	90	2	Y	37
J00115537	49.1	90	4	Y	86
J00115936	100	100	0	Y	50
J00117731	76.4	50	3	Y	91
J00120043	87.3	100	5	Y	90.5
J00120160	81.8	100	3	Y	95
J00120479	52.7	40	4	Y	95.5
J00120769	0	 	0	N	0 - not submitted
J00122932	96.4	100	6	Y	95
J00123034	0	30	0	N	0 - not submitted
J00123344	9.1	80	0		82
J00124942	36.4	80	3	Y	86.5
J00126121	0	 	1	N	0 - not submitted
J00126512	7.3	100	4	Y	0 - not submitted
J00126765	47.3	70	3	Y	77
J00128133	83.6	100	0	Y	81.5
J00129782	94.5	100	6	Y	95
J00132496			0	N	0 - not submitted
J00133423	41.8	100	2	Y	59.5
J00133434	74.5	90	5	Y	95
J00133668	81.8	90	4	Y	95
J00134426	72.7	80	4	Y	0 - not submitted
J00135320	100	90	4	Y	100
J00136784	41.8	80	6	Y	91
J00136968	20	90	4	Y	0 - not submitted
J00136998	80	90	5	Y	100
J00138888	0	100	3	N	68
J00139514	20	90	4	Y	86
J00140494	61.8	90	4	Y	95
J00140890	70.9	90	5	Y	68
J00140932	25.5	60	0	Y	0 - not submitted
J00141185	92.7	100	5	Y	59
J00142435	0	100	3	Y	0 - not submitted
J00144754	98.2	100	6	Y	90.5
J00145032	32.7	 	5	N	0 - not submitted
J00145197	0	 	1	N	0 - not submitted
J00145239	87.3	100	2	Y	77.5
J00146054	94.5	100	0	Y	95
J00146677	0	80	2	N	0 - not submitted
J00146924	63.6	40	3	Y	0 - not submitted
J00147037	83.6	100	4	Y	95
J00147214	65.5	80	5	Y	91
J00148614	32.7	100	3	Y	100
J00150284	0	100	2	Y	0 - not submitted
J00151538	94.5	100	6	Y	68
J00152636	96.4	70	4	Y	91
J00152885	81.8	100	3	Y	0 - not submitted
J00154276	43.6	100	3	Y	0 - not submitted
J00154515	74.5	60	3	Y	59
J00154639	92.7	100	3	Y	95
J00155976	0	100	5	N	0 - not submitted
J00156336	16.4	70	5	Y	0 - not submitted
J00157549	85.5	90	0	Y	0 - not submitted
J00159072	96.4	100	5	Y	95
J00159126	94.5	90	3	Y	90.5
J00159550	49.1	100	5	Y	0 - not submitted
J00159729	87.3	100	0	Y	95
J00160106	23.6	100	4	N	95.5
J00161292	1.8	90	0	Y	0 - not submitted
J00166004	0	100	4	Y	95
J00167175	92.7	100	3	Y	100
J00167818	92.7	100	5	Y	100
J00168488	92.7	90	3	N	0 - not submitted
J00171277	0	90	3	Y	100
J00701105	80	70	4	N	80.6
J00727529	89.1	90	6	Y	100
J00739021	3.6	70	3	Y	Not marked yet
J00743739	0	 	0	N	0 - not submitted
J00782679	60	100	0	Y	32
J00809993	0	90	3	Y	0 - not submitted
J00820598	87.3	80	2	Y	91
J00892166	58.2	100	3	Y	68
J00894814	98.2	80	4	Y	82
J00900256	87.3	90	0	Y	5
J00906603	12.7	80	3	Y	32
J00908374	98.2	100	5	Y	0 - not submitted
J00915273	0	90	0	Y	72.5
J00935661	0	100	0	Y	0 - not submitted
J00973378	76.4	90	4	Y	91
J00977032	32.7	100	2	Y	93
J00983577	81.8	100	0	N	91
J00984494	100	100	0	Y	82
J01017875	63.6	100	5	Y	91
J01046430	0	 	0	N	0 - not submitted
J01176040	85.5	80	3	Y	0 - not submitted
J01177203			3	Y	100
J01180328	90.9	80	3	Y	77
J01188764	83.6	100	4	Y	91
J01196021	0	80	3	Y	14
J01237351	65.5	100	2	Y	95
J01260597	0	70	4	Y	0 - not submitted
J01312344	0	80	0	Y	91
J01344880	7.3	80	4	N	0 - not submitted
J01359516	3.6	100	0	Y	41.5
J01360319	92.7	100	5	Y	100
J01361998	0	100	6	Y	23
J01372903	69.1	100	3	Y	92.5

Every year there seems to be some new component for students to get involved in. Some terms it is the question of purchasing the book and getting on the publisher's web site. Other times it deals with the need for attending classes. This year the focus seems to be on whether one can get out of taking this class.

Keep in mind that your instructor is part time. He is not involved in course curriculum or administrative procedures. He does not keep track on any other students than who are in his class. He certainly is not writing letters to advocate student assumptions. So, below, with permission, I have included an Email correspondance with Chuck Herbert who handles these questions for this department. Please read this carefully before bringing these and associated issues up to your instructor or in class.

Several instructors have been sending students to the Department to seek Credit-By-Exam for CIS 103 after they have begun the semester enrolled in CIS 103. Generally, this is inappropriate. Dr. Gay must approve Credit-By-Exam and she has said that she is reluctant to do so once the student has started a course except in very unusual circumstances. These circumstances do not include students who have poor attendance or who might otherewise fail, nor students who are doing exceptionally well in class. Even if she would approve, it may not a good idea. Credit-By-Exam is pass/fail, so it’s not included in a student's grade point average (GPA), and it usually does not transfer to other colleges and universities. In the long run, students who know the material would be removing a “A” from their GPAs and it might cost more than it saves. (Once the semester starts, a student's refund will be 50% at most and in many cases a student may get no refund, while the cost for credit-by-exam is the cost of 1 credit, often not covered by financial aid.) For these and other reasons, most students who look into Credit-By-Exam decide to take the course instead -- perhaps online or in a 7-week section. Credit-By-Exam is a good option for students with a high GPA, who know the course material, and who are close to graduation but have neglected to take CIS 103 when it is required in their curriculum. In cases where CIS 103 is a pre-requisite for other courses, if the student can demonstrate a knowldege of the material in CIS 103, then the appropriate person may waive that pre-requiste for that course. We give transfer credit or credit-for-life experience for students who have taken a similar course at another properly accredited college or university, or who have passed a recognized professional certification exam -- in the case of CIS 103 that inlcudes IC3, ICDL, Microsoft Office Ceritifcation, or successful completion of US military training in an appropriate MOS or professional school. It is very difficult to give credit for job experience without some kind of proof-by-exam.

Chuck Herbert

I want to make sure that all students are aware of what I will say in class which is repeated here. You are required to be on the myitlab web site and integrated with my course on that site. Your two tests on Word will be done through the site. These have been set up already as you will be shown in class. They will be available through the entire term although the instructor needs to fill out school forms which require him to use the grades as found at that time.

For this term, Spring 2013, the MYITLAB site ised for this term is still being copied. Hopefully we will see the codes in class today although priliminarily it is indicating CRSABR8-851389. The code is what you should use as you register. At the moment, nothing has been set, I hope to have this set for you as of week end.

As to files: There is a CD that comes with your book. The CD contains the files you need to work the problems in the book. if you are at the school, you can see these files on what is q-shared drive. This is the school network.

Click Computer technologies and one of the folders will contain these 103 student files. However, I have saved these files on this web site. Click the button to see a list.

To the left is what you should be seeing when you register for the MYITLAB web site. At the bottom you will see the three tests. You are required to do the following: The multiple choice test for Chapter 1 with a tag line of 'This is the multiple choice test for CIS103, Spring '13'. Your grade will be the highest attempt of a max three attempts. Each attempt is 7 minutes. In addition, there are two scenarios with tag lines pertaining to cis103 fall'12. Each scenario can be done three times for a max total of six attempts. Your instructor takes the max grade of these six possible attempts.
To the right is the parameters I have set for the scenarios. You have 3 hours for each attempt and you can see that each scenario has a maximum of three attempts. The system should provide me with your max score.